Combined therapy of children with atopic dermatitis using enterosorbents
O.V. Zubarenko, T.Yu. Kravchenko, A.V. Reshetylo Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
Objective: the study of clinical efficacy and safety profile of the drug Bionorm in treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children.
Material and methods. There were 60 children with AD aged from three to six years under observed treatment. The duration of the course of AD was from six months to three years. Children of the main group were treated the basic therapy along with Bionorm. The latter was administrated according to the regimen of one tablet three times daily between meals during 10 days. The control group consisted of 30 children who received only basic therapy of AD that included hypoallergenic diet, elimination mode, antihistamines, membranous stabilizators, local therapy.
Results. The inclusion of Bionorm to the comprehensive treatment of AD stimulated the rapid clinical benefits, normalized laboratory tests and improved the quality of patients’ life. The administration of this drug had not only short2term positive effect, but also the good longterm results.
Conclusions. High efficacy, safety, good organoleptic properties allow to recommend Bionorm for AD treatment in children.
Key words: atopic dermatitis, complex therapy, enterosorbents, Bionorm.