Clinical efficacy of the drug «AEvit» in complex treatment of skin diseases
N.M. Nechyporenko, L.D. Kаliuzhna P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, Kyiv
Objective — clinical observation of effective and promising application of vitamin preparations «AEvit®» which is composed of a fat-soluble vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate (100 000 U) and vitamin E in the form α-tocopherol acetate (100 mg) to improve the effectiveness of treatment of allergic dermatitis, skin diseases with violated sebo-regulation and keratinization.
Materials and methods. The research is based on survey data and treatment of 131 patients. In the main group (n = 98) patients were assigned vitamin complex «AEvit» in the mode 1 capsule 1 time per day, in the control group (n = 33) — complex treatment without the use of vitamin supplements, which contain retinol palmitate and / or tocopherol acetate. The study included two visits of the patient: screening, randomization (day 1), the final visit (day 21).
Results and discussion. The results of the research in the group of patients with allergic dermatites (atopic dermatitis in the subacute and chronic stages of eczema) show positive dynamics of treatment on the background of oral administration of the drug «AEvit», which is manifested in the increase of moisture and elasticity of the skin, normalization of the acidity of the skin physiological arameters, indicates renewal of hydro-lipid protective mantle of the skin and the decrease in the temperature. Erythema in pathological foci indicates a decrease in the persistence of allergic inflammation in the skin. Reduction of indicators of eosinophils and basophils — major leukocyte markers of allergic sensitization — indicates stabilization and control at the level of cellular immunity.
Results of the study in the group of patients with impaired secretory function of the sebaceous glands (acne, seborrheic dermatitis), in the group of patients with violation of the processes of keratinization (psoriasis, keratosis pilaris, ichthyosis vulgaris, xerosis of the skin) and lichen planus show positive results of complex treatment with drug «AEvit», as indicated by the improvement in corneometry, sebumetry, pH-metry, mexametry, thermometry in the dynamic observation.
Conclusions. The study shows the feasibility of using the drug «AEvit®» as profile vitamin drug in complex treatment of dermatological diseases.
Key words: «AEvit», α-tocopherol acetate, retinol palmitate.