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In bioflavonoid complex treatment of hemorrhoids

Chobey S.M., Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod

Summary. In the surgical clinic ZOKL Andrew Novak (m. Uzhgorod) for the period 2012-2014, we observed 243 patients with acute and chronic haemorrhoids aged 21 to 69 years. Patients were divided into two groups. As in I-group included 117 patients who had acute haemorrhoid complications as thrombosis, bleeding and the inflammatory process. II group 126 patients with chronic haemorrhoids III-IV stage.

Admission Normoven in pre- and postoperative period significantly reduces swelling, pain, itching and paresthesia in the area of wound, discomfort during bowel movements and reduces the amount of bleeding, and thus facilitates progress and helps to reduce postoperative period in patients with acute and in patients with chronic haemorrhoids, accelerates return patients to work and active normal life.

Keywords: Normoven, acute and chronic haemorrhoids, comprehensive treatment.

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