18.04.2024 Information on the total number of shares and voting shares of the Company as of the date of compilation of the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the General Meeting on 04/19/2024
18.03.2024 Information in accordance with clause 38 of Section IX of the Procedure for convening and holding a remote general meeting of shareholders (signed file)
19.01.2024 Information on the total number of shares and voting shares of the Company as of the date of compilation of the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the General Meeting on 22.01.2024.
11.01.2024 Notice of supplementing the agenda of the remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Kyiv Vitamin Plant” for 22.01.2024 (signed file)
21.12.2023 Information in accordance with clause 38 of Section IX of the Procedure for convening and holding a remote general meeting of shareholders (signed file)
23.11.2023 Information on the total number of shares and voting shares of the Company as of the date of compiling the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the General Meeting.
08.11.2023 Announcement on supplementing the agenda of the remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Kyiv Vitamin Plant” for 11/24/2023 (signed file)
23.10.2023 Information on the total number of shares and voting shares of the Company as of the date of compiling the list of shareholders of the general meeting (file with signature)
21.03.2023 Information on the total number of shares and voting shares of the Company as of the date of compiling the list of shareholders of the general meeting (file with signature)